Deadline extended until Friday December 23 at 9:00PM. We are looking for individuals who are interested in serving on the Board in 2023! All board positions can either be contested or are open for re-election and all at-large positions must be turned over after a year. That said, there are three at-large positions available, and there is also an open spot for Secretary (three year term limit).
Requirements - this is a year commitment from January 1 to December 31, 2023
- You must be a Full Member (dues paying member) of Lake Sammamish Run Club.
- Able to participate in club leadership group chats (i.e. Facebook Messenger)
Minimum Responsibilities - don't be afraid! This is a collective effort, and the responsibilities aren't particularly burdensome :)
All positions:
- Attend most monthly board meetings (we've been doing these through zoom, usually on weeknights)
- Be an active member of the club, either by regularly attending at least one weekly run or by promoting the club through email and Facebook communications.
- Provide input and vote on proposals for events, spending, and other decisions.
- Create agendas for each board meeting
- Record meeting minutes.
Current Board Members running for reelection (available to be contested):
Zach Fung - President
Nelson LaPlante - Vice President
Jon Szollar - Treasurer
Instructions: Please log in to your account, be sure you are a Full Member, and RSVP/Register here by 11:59pm Thursday December 22. Please add a few comments about yourself and what you can do to serve the running community. Once you have RSVP'd all positions will be up for voting (Full Members of LSRC can vote, and this will be available online). The votes will be tallied and the results announced at the Annual Meeting on Thursday, December 29.
You can view information about the current board members, and club by laws, which includes descriptions of all board member roles here.
You can upgrade to or become a Full Member here or by logging in and updating your profile.